XML Schema for GPXEV v0.2


This is the XML schema that GPXEV (GPX Editor and Viewer) outputs to the extensions tag.

Schema Components

Complex Type: styleType

Comment: This tag defines the style of items to draw on Google maps.

XML Instance Representation

  <gpxev:route> routeType <gpxev:/route>  [0..1]
  <gpxev:wpt> wptType <gpxev:/wpt>  [0..1]

Complex Type: routeType

Comment: This tag defines the style of the route to draw on Google Maps.

XML Instance Representation

  <gpxev:color> colorType <gpxev:/color>  [0..1]

Complex Type: colorType

Comment: This tag defines the color of the item to draw on Google Maps.

XML Instance Representation

<gpxev:color> xsd:string </gpxev:color>

Complex Type: wptsType

Comment: This tag defines the setting of the waypoints. There is no tag surrounding wpt tag in GPX Schema. So, GPXEV writes this tag in the extensions tag under the gpx tag.

XML Instance Representation

  <gpxev:style> styleType <gpxev:/style>  [0..1]

Complex Type: wptType

Comment: This tag defines the settings for the wpt tag.

XML Instance Representation

  <gpxev:marker> markerType <gpxev:/marker>  [0..1]

Complex Type: markerType

Comment: This tag defines the settings for Marker.

XML Instance Representation

  <gpxev:name> nameMarkerType <gpxev:/name>  [0..1]

Complex Type: nameMarkerType

Comment: This tag defines the settings for Name Marker.

XML Instance Representation

  <gpxev:visibility> xsd:boolean <gpxev:/visibility>  [0..1]

XML Schema
