Oct 19, 2014 created

The 45th Police Motorcycle Safety Riding Competion 2014 was held in Ibarakim, Japan. This page contains photo of 4 events, Opening ceremony, Balance & Control, Observed trials, Off-road racing and Leaned riding.

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motorcycle parking in Japan Safe Driving Center

Here is in "Japan Safe Driving Center" in Ibaraki.The 45th Police Motorcycle Safety Riding Competion 2014 will be held.

Many motorcycle riders gathered in parking from around the Tokyo.

Opening ceremony of the 45th Police Motorcycle Safety Riding Competion 2014

This competion is beginning with Opening ceremony.

The police motorcycles are lined up in 3 rows. it's Coll!!

Opening ceremony of the 45th Police Motorcycle Safety Riding Competion 2014

Police officers weared saddlecloth with a number and prefecture name.

They are ace rider of a prefectural representative and compete in a individual match and team competition. Imperial Guards is teams at the competition too.

women's motorcycle riders

Of course there are women's motorcycle riders.

"Queen stars", "White angels", "White ladies", "SKIP", and so on. They are active in events across the country

Traffic pPolice force's car

At the tail end of the Opening ceremony, they drive a motorcycle in orderly rows.

First, Traffic pPolice force's car leads the procession.

police motorcycle in orderly rows

It's cool too!


Police motorcycles "VFR" are short on numbers. So some of police are ride on NC750S and XR.

audience of Police Motorcycle Safety Riding Competion

There are a non-police audience, family and riders.

This event is small scale as compared with another event and not congested.

Japan Safe Driving Center

There are many instruction cars.

police cars without a license plate

Off course there are police cars without a license plate.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON police motorcycle

HARLEY-DAVIDSON police motorcycle is displayed on the entrance of event site.

Some family with children have taken the picture.

information map

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