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Long distance touring
It's 4,900km touring report of around Japan. This is a touring report of 14 nights and 15 days.
(7 pages, 310 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 3,400km touring report of Shikoku and Chugoku region. I have gone around the farthest point of Shikoku. Shikoku is the big island of Japan. There are 88 temples, Shikoku Pilgrimage.
(5 pages, 317 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 1,250km touring report of Hida, Mino and Mikawa. I have returned home ahead of schedule, because a typhoon is on its way to Japan.
(3 pages, 113 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 3,600km touring report of Hokkaido. The first half of touring was extremely hot. The second half, I have driven in a downpour.
(8 pages, 314 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 1,000km touring report of Josyu and Shinshu. The temperature difference is 28 degrees C!! There were many lingering snow alongside the street.
(3 pages, 106 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 3,500km touring report of Kyusyu region and Setouchi. The first half of touring, I have enjoyed the weather. But I have gotten rained on as I'm going Takamatsu. So, I have given up go Shodo Island. There are many railroad, shrines and temples photography.
(9 pages, 298 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 2,600km touring report of Tohoku region. I have gone around the Tohoku region, Fukushima, Yamagata, Miyagi, Iwate and Aomori.
(5 pages, 174 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 2,600km touring report of Hokkaido. I have driven along a country road that I haven't driven yet. It's my first camping touring.
(6 pages, 136 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 3,400km touring report of Sanin and North Kyusyu region. I have gone around the Noto Peninsula and have driven up to Kanzakibana. Kanzakibana is the westernmost point of the island of Kyushu, Japan.
(5 pages, 162 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 4,000km touring report of Tohoku region and Hokkaido. I have gone to the cape Oma. Cape Oma is the northernmost point on Honshu Island, Japan. I have taken a ferry across Tsugaru Strait. It's the third time around of Hokkaido touring.
(6 pages, 143 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 1,800km touring report of around the Kii peninsula. It's a short touring.
(2 pages, 44 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 3,300km touring report of Hokkaido. It's the second time around of Hokkaido touring. I have gone to Cape Soya. Cape Soya is the northernmost point on Hokkaido, Japan.
(4 pages, 151 photos) as yet untranslated

It's 2,100km touring report of Hokkaido. And it is my first long distance touring.
(2 pages, 47 photos) as yet untranslated