Release Note

Service outage announcement

GPXEV (GPX Editor and Viewer) will be out of service at the end of May 2022.

Please refer to the link below for details.

[Service outage announcement]

latest version

Version 0.14b (beta), Apr 25, 2022

  1. Bug Fixes
    • [P0242] Even if you set your Google API Key in the Configuration dialog, you cannot use it during the usage limits period. This bug also occurs if you specify the api_key argument in the URL.

* This version will show "v0.14" instead of "v0.14b" on the screen.

Version 0.14a (beta), Feb 18, 2021

  1. Other
    • [X0022] Changed the version of Google Maps API to quarterly channel. As a result, when Google upgrades the API, the version of the API used will also change. You can check the version of the API you are currently using in the Information dialog.

* This version will show "v0.14" instead of "v0.14a" on the screen.

Version 0.14 (beta), Sep 27, 2020

  1. What's new
    • [N0028] You can change the size (radius) of the waypoint marker in the Configuration dialog.
    • [N0029] The "time" tag can be automatically generated when saving a GPX file.
  2. What's changed
    • [C0065] The minimum setting value of the route deviation parameter of the data volume reduction function was changed.
    • [C0066] Changed the cursor shape of Current Waypoint from pointer to grab.
    • [C0067] The cursor shape of the moving window was changed from pointer to grab.
    • [C0068] If there are blank items in the Bounds dialog, an error will be displayed. Also, if the error is not resolved, the bounds tag will not be output to the GPX file.
    • [C0069] If href is not entered in the Link dialog, an error will be displayed. Also, if the error is not resolved, the link tag will not be output to the GPX file.
    • [C0070] If link href is not entered in the Author dialog, an error will be displayed. Also, if the error is not resolved, the link tag will not be output to the GPX file.
    • [C0071] Increased the number of MIME types that can be automatically identified in the Link dialog.
    • [C0072] If the size of the image is larger than the size of the Image View dialog, it will automatically shrink the image.
    • [C0073] Adjusted the display position so that the route distance display does not overlap the color panel in the Route List dialog. If the route distance exceeds 10,000 km, the value after the decimal point will not be displayed.
    • [C0074] Changed the behavior when the overwrite GPX metadata check box is turned off in the GPX tab of the Configuration dialog. The metadata values ​​are updated only if you load the first GPX file without entering any values in the GPX Metadata dialog. If you manually delete all root data and then load the GPX file, the metadata values will also be updated.
    • [C0075] The number of valid digits of the coordinates of the place search result in the Map Control dialog has been changed to 7 decimal places. This is a workaround for the problem that the 8th digit after the decimal point of the coordinates of the place search result of the Google Maps API contain an numerical error. However, the center coordinates of Google Maps in the search results may contain numerical errors due to the Javascript floating point specification.
    • [C0076] Check the latitude, longitude, and zoom values of center and bounds specified in the URL argument. If the argument is incorrect, an error message will be displayed. The display coordinates of Google Maps are the initial values. This specification change applies only to GPXEV, not GPXVL.
    • [C0077] Due to the specifications of Google Maps API, Name Marker cannot be displayed at a point with a longitude of 180 degrees. If you set the longitude of the additional name marker in the CGIParameter dialog to 180, it will be automatically corrected to -180.
    • [C0078] Disable the spell checking feature of Firefox.
    • [C0079] Changed the maximum distance of the elevation graph that can be drawn in the Elevation View dialog to 40,000km and the maximum elevation to 40,000m.
    • [C0080] The unit of the vertical axis of the elevation graph drawn in the Elevation View dialog is automatically switched with "m" or "km".
  3. Bug Fixes
    • [P0170] If you set the "additional name marker" latitude and longitude on the CGI Parameter dialog, error checking may not work.
    • [P0171] If you click the bounds text box on the GPX Metadata dialog, you may get an error.
    • [P0172] If you enter a comma separated coordinate string in the Waypoint dialog, an error occurs and the value is not split into latitude and longitude.
    • [P0173] If you show hidden routes in the Route List dialog, locked waypoints may be displayed even if no waypoints are selected.
    • [P0174] The cursor shape does not change to a pointer on some clickable controls.
    • [P0175] If you click the Reset All button in the Custom Color Palette dialog, you may get an error.
    • [P0176] If you click the Reset button when there is an input error in the GPX Metadata dialog, the error display will not be canceled.
    • [P0177] If you load a GPX file that contains an incorrect time value, no error will be displayed in the GPX Metadata dialog.
    • [P0178] If the current time is set automatically in the UTC+0 region, the time zone sign will be negative.
    • [P0179] If you delete the email value in the Author dialog, only the domain attribute will be output to the email tag of the output GPX file. Therefore, the GPX file that does not conform to the XML schema will be output.
    • [P0180] If there are blank items in the Bounds dialog, a GPX file that does not conform to the XML schema will be output.
    • [P0181] If href is not entered in the Link dialog, a GPX file that does not conform to the XML schema will be output.
    • [P0182] If link href is not entered in the Author dialog, a GPX file that does not conform to the XML schema will be output.
    • [P0183] If you select a route that has no waypoint and click the Reset data button on the Services tab of the Tool dialog, an error will occur.
    • [P0184] An empty name tag may be output to the GPX file even if you have not entered a name value in the Author dialog.
    • [P0185] When you open the Link dialog, the correct link number may not be displayed.
    • [P0186] If you enter "100" for the hue value in the Custom Color Palette dialog, the wrong color will be displayed.
    • [P0187] The value of the synchronize stroke weight and map zoom level checkbox on the Path tab of the Configuration dialog always returns to its default value.
    • [P0188] If you clear the in order to change the route check box on the Path tab of the Configuration dialog, the trkType route will work as configured, but the rteType and wptType routes will not work as configured.
    • [P0189] If the Starting point marker is set to ON and the Destination point marker is set to OFF on the Waypoint tab of the Configuration dialog, it may not work as set.
    • [P0190] If you close the browser with the marker display setting turned off on the Waypoint tab of the Configuration dialog, a marker with a shape different from the setting may be displayed when the display setting is changed to ON at the next startup. This bug also occurs when you change the display settings in the Marker Control dialog.
    • [P0191] If you turn off the Dialog Control shortcut key setting on the Other tab of the Configuration dialog, the settings will not be saved and the values ​​will be initialized each time.
    • [P0192] If you click the Auto Fill from Google map button when there is an input error in the latitude, longitude, or zoom value of Google Maps in the CGI Parameter dialog, the error display will not be cleared.
    • [P0193] If you manually enter the bounds value in the CGI Parameter dialog, the URL value is not updated.
    • [P0194] If you manually enter an elevation value in the Waypoint dialog, the vertical scale of the Elevation View may not be updated and a graph may be drawn outside the dialog.
    • [P0195] If the language setting is other than English or Japanese, the error dialog message may not be displayed correctly.
    • [P0196] If the center and bounds latitude, longitude, and zoom values ​​specified in the URL argument are incorrect, Google Maps may not be displayed.
    • [P0197] If you hide the Starting point or Destination point markers on the Waypoint tab of the Configuration dialog, the radio buttons that select the marker shape will not be cascaded the next time you start gpxev.
    • [P0198] If you use a specific dialog in succession with multiple dialogs open, the order in which the dialogs are displayed changes when the dialog is closed. This issue can cause dialogs that were hidden behind you to unintentionally bring to the foreground. Also, due to the side effect of this bug, two dialogs may be active at the same time.
    • [P0199] The dialog display order changes before and after entering Route Edit mode.
    • [P0200] If you click on a row that does not have a waypoint in the Route List dialog, the Current waypoint marker on Google Maps will not disappear. If you close the Waypoint dialog while this bug is occurring, the menu buttons will not be activated.
    • [P0201] If you create a waypoint at a point where the longitude is -180 degrees, the longitude value may be set to 180.
    • [P0202] If you manually edit the text displayed in the GPX Preview dialog, Cookie dialog or Exception dialog, the text will not be updated the next time you open the dialog.
    • [P0203] If you manually edit the text displayed in the GPX Preview dialog, Cookie dialog, Exception dialog or CGI Parameter dialog, unintended shortcut keys may work.
    • [P0204] There is an error in the plural notation of English words displayed in the Route List dialog and Temporary Storage dialog.
    • [P0205] If there are routes that do not have any waypoints, the Temporary Storage dialog will display the wrong number of routes.
    • [P0206] If you press the return key immediately after pressing any key while entering the time value in the GPX Metadata dialog, error checking may not work.
    • [P0207] If you right-click an unselected route while the current route button is ON in route edit mode, the route will be deselected.
    • [P0208] If you select a route while the Track Metadata dialog is open, the Metadata button in the Route List dialog will be activated.
    • [P0209] If you close the Waypoint List dialog without selecting a route, the Waypoints button in the Route List dialog will be activated.
    • [P0210] If you delete all routes while there is an input error on the GPX Metadata dialog, the error display will not be cleared.
    • [P0211] When you click the Auto Fill button of bounds in the GPX Metadata dialog, the wptType waypoints are excluded from the aggregation.
    • [P0212] If you click the Auto Fill button of bounds in the GPX Metadata dialog while the Bounds dialog is open, an error will occur.
    • [P0213] If you select the check box on the Reducing tab of the Tool dialog while the root of wptType is selected, the Test button and Reduce button will be activated.
    • [P0214] If you deselect a waypoint or route, the error display in the Waypoint dialog may not be cleared. This bug also occurs when deleting a route.
    • [P0215] If you deselect a waypoint or route, the Color button in the Waypoint dialog may not be cascaded. If you click the Color button and select a color while this problem is occurring, an error will occur.
    • [P0216] If the number of waypoints is less than the number of pixels in the width of the Elevation View dialog, the elevation graph will not draw correctly.
    • [P0217] If you select a route that does not have any waypoints while the Elevation View dialog is open, an incorrect elevation graph will be drawn.
    • [P0218] If there are waypoints over 7,000m elevation, a graph that extends outside the Elevation View dialog will be drawn.
    • [P0219] If the total length of the route exceeds 8,000km, an error may occur in the Elevation View dialog.
  4. Other
    • [X0020] The version of Google Maps Javascript API used by GPXEV has been changed to v3.41.
    • [X0021] The text of the error message has been partially changed.

other version

Version 0.13.1 (beta), May 12, 2020

Version 0.13 (beta), May 2, 2020

Version 0.12.2 (beta), Feb 23, 2020

Version 0.12.1 (beta), Feb 18, 2020

Version 0.12 (beta), Feb 16, 2020

Version 0.11 (beta), Oct 29, 2019

Version 0.10 (beta), Oct 25, 2019

Version 0.9 (beta), Aug 26, 2019

Version 0.8 (beta), June 13, 2019

Version 0.7 (beta), May 22, 2019

Version 0.6 (beta), May 10, 2019

Version 0.5 (beta), Jan 25, 2019

Version 0.4 (beta), Dec 6, 2018

Version 0.3 (beta), Nov 12, 2018

Version 0.2 (beta), Oct 13, 2018

Version 0.1 (beta), May 8, 2018

Known Issues


There is no problem confirmed at the moment.

Last Updated: Apr 25, 2022


1. Create Waypoint

There are places where new markers can not be placed when editing the route. There are two ways to solve this problem.

The first solution is to move the marker after placing the marker once.

Examples of places you can not click on Google Maps

You can not add a waypoint on the label.

Click outside the label displayed on Google Maps

Click once outside the label.

Move markers displayed on Google Maps

Drag and drop the marker to the target point.

The second solution is to hide the item displayed on Google map. You can use the Style tab of the Map Control dialog to hide items such as store names and station names that get in the way when editing a route.

Google map with items such as store name and station name hidden with a customized style

2. Significant figures

Due to limitations of Javascript, the number of significant digits of latitude or longitude is 13 to 16 digits after the decimal point. If you move the Waypoint marker on Google Maps, the number of significant digits may be reduced from the value originally described in the GPX file. However, if you do not move the Waypoint marker, the value written in the loaded GPX file will be output as is. In addition, the Javascript constraint takes precedence over the value set in "align decimal point" of "Latitude / Longitude" in the Configuration dialog.

Explanatory diagram of why the latitude and longitude of the route data saved with GPX has an error due to floating point accuracy problems

Here is a simple example. The decimal longitude "179.99999999999994" is the binary number "0110-0111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1110". However, "0110-0111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111" binary number is "179.99999999999997" in decimal number. Therefore, longitudes "179.99999999999995" and "179.99999999999996" cannot be expressed in double precision floating point. This is why the latitude and longitude are inaccurate. However, not all latitudes and longitudes cause an error at the 14th decimal place. The number of significant digits after the decimal point varies depending on the value of the integer part.

3. Loading GPX file by HTTPS or HTTP

CORS in GPXEV processing

When reading GPX files on the Internet using HTTP, the server must allow CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). Specifically, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" must be specified in the HTTP reply header returned by the server to the client.

The way to set up .htaccess using the apache is as follows.

  1. Create .htaccess file in the directory containing the GPX file of the server.
  2. Write the following line in the .htaccess file.
    Header append Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ""
    ( or "" )




4. XML Entity

If the loaded GPX file contains entities other than amp, lt, and gt, decoded characters are output to the saved GPX file.

5. Internet Explorer 11 performance issues

Internet Explorer 11 has performance issues.

Implementation Schedule

Next Release

There are no implementation plans at this time.

The specifications planned for the next release version are as follows.

  1. What's new
    • [N0028] You can change the color of items such as roads and labels displayed on Google Maps.
    • [N0029] Added Date and Time dialog. In this dialog, you can edit the date and time, calculate the estimated transit time, and set the time zone all at once.
    • [N0030] To prevent erroneous operation, a confirmation dialog is displayed when the page of browser is moved while editing the route. This function is initially turned off and can be used by changing the settings in the Configuration dialog.
    • [N0031] Only the specified items can be deleted for all waypoints of the selected route.
    • [N0032] You can specify the MapID created by Google Maps Platform. However, if you specify MapID, you cannot change the settings of the objects displayed in Google Maps on the Map Control dialog.
    • [N0033] If you hold down the increase / decrease button, the value will increase or decrease continuously.
    • [N0034] If you press a button using a shortcut key, the style of the button will change as if you clicked the button with the mouse. However, if the dialog is closed by pressing a shortcut key, the button style does not change.
  2. What's changed
    • [C0081] The format of the string described in the time tag is now strictly checked. If a character string that violates the GPX specifications is described in the loaded GPX file, the time tag will not be output when the GPX file is saved.
    • [C0082] If there is no response from the Google Maps server after startup, an error screen will be displayed. The error code is 8371.
    • [C0083] Renamed the Services tab of the Tool dialog to "Elevation". Along with this specification change, the shortcut key of the Tool dialog has also been changed.
    • [C0084] When you get the elevation data from Google server, you can choose whether to overwrite the elevation that has already been set.
    • [C0085] When deleting elevation data in bulk on the Elevation tab of the Tool dialog, only the values obtained from the Google server will be deleted. If you want to delete all elevation data, use the Batch tab of the Tool dialog.
    • [C0086] You can change the location where Temporary Storage stores data from memory to local storage.
    • [C0087] The number of colors that can be set for Name Marker has been increased to 16.
    • [C0088] The background color of the Additional Name Marker drop-down list in the CGI Parameter dialog has been changed to the selected color.
    • [C0089] The Style tab in the Map Control dialog has been renamed to the Object tab. Due to this change, the shortcut keys on the Map Control dialog have been changed.
    • [C0090] The format of the setting to save in cookies has been changed. Due to this specification change, the settings used by GPXEV are only upward compatible, not backward compatible. Specifically, the settings changed in v0.14 can be used in v0.15, but the settings changed in v0.15 cannot be used in v0.14. For the time being, both new (v0.15 and later) and old (v0.14 and earlier) settings will be saved in cookies.
    • [C0091] If the settings at the time of the previous execution could not be obtained due to a browser malfunction or the user intentionally changing the contents of the cookie, the settings are initialized.
    • [C0092] The notification message when a new version is released is displayed only once per version. For example, if you execute v0.15, v1.00, v0.15 in that order, the message will not be displayed when you execute it for the third time.
    • [C0093] You can now save up to 5 sets of color palettes (64 x 5 = 320 colors). Due to this specification change, when you click the Reset All button in the Custom Color Palette dialog, only one set of color settings will be reset. In addition, a button to change the set number has been added to the Color Palette dialog.
    • [C0094] You can now save up to 5 sets of Google Maps object settings. Due to this specification change, the Save and Load buttons in the Map Control dialog have been deleted and a Copy button has been added.
    • [C0095] A confirmation screen is displayed when you reset the settings of the route color in the Configuration dialog.
    • [C0096] A confirmation screen is displayed when you reset the settings of the objects of Google Maps in the Map Control dialog.
    • [C0097] You can specify the color setting or MapID of the object to be displayed on Google Maps in the startup argument. Due to this specification change, the screen configuration of the CGI Parameter dialog has been changed.
    • [C0098] When you click on a color box in the Custom Color Palette dialog, the color picker dialog opens. The specifications of the color picker dialog depend on the OS and browser you are using.
    • [C0099] When the value increase / decrease button is clicked, it is displayed in fixed-point notation. For example, the "ratio" in the Configuration dialog displays "1" as "1.0".
  3. Other
    • [X0022] Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be supported. The warning message about Internet Explorer 11 that was displayed on the screen will no longer be displayed.
    • [X0023] XML Schema for extension tag has been updated to v0.5.

The next release, v0.15, will be the final beta (Release Candidate).


1. Touring map around Mount Fuji (rteType)

Touring route around Mt. Fuji displayed on Google Maps(GPX files)

It's recommended route around Mount Fuji for riding a motorcycle in Japan.

This is example GPX file of "rteType", contains 2,691 waypoints and 6 external links(199kbyte).


2. Map of shrines and temples in Japan (wptType)

Map of famous shrines and temples in Japan displayed on Google Maps(GPX files)

It's a map of famous shrines and temples in Japan.

This is small example GPX file of "wptType", contains 17 points(4.6kbyte).


3. Cross the Japanese archipelago (trkType)

The route to cross the Japanese archipelago by motorcycle displayed on Google Maps(GPX files)

It's a route to cross the Japanese archipelago by motorcycle. It took 15 days.

This is large example GPX file of "trkType", contains 15 tracks and 29,087 waypoints(2,275kbyte). Click button, if you would like to hide the information window on Google Maps.


This is an example of a huge GPX file. It takes about 1 minute to display the route on Google Maps.