Walküre - Macross Delta

- Koi! Halation The War
- Ichido Dake no Koi Nara
- Giritick♡Beginner
- Fukakuteisei☆Cosmic Movement
- Bokura no Senjō
- AXIA~Daisuki de Daikirai~
- Walkure Attack!
- Lun ga Pikatto Hikattara
- Ikenai Borderline
- Zettai ReidoθNovatic
- Hametsu no Junjō
- Kaze Ha Yokokunaku Huku
- Onyanoko☆Gir
- Absolute5
- God Bless You
- Silent Hacker
- Hear The Universe
- Namidame Bakhatsuon
- Birthday song of Walküre
- Welcome to Walküre World!
- Walküre will not stop (Walküre ga Tomaranai)
- Walküre won't betray you (Walküre ha Uragiranai)
- Change!!!!!
- Dancing in the Moonlight
- Interstellar Flight (Seikan Hikō) (Macross Frontier, Ranka Lee)
- Diamond Crevasse (Macross Frontier, Sheryl Nome)
- Promise (MacrossII, Ishtar)
- Do You Remember Love? (Macross, Lynn Minmay)
This page introduces the music score of "Macross Delta". Tactical Sound Unit Walküre is the vocal group of Macross Delta. The group members are Mikumo (JUNNA), Freyja Wion (Minori Suzuki), Kaname Buccaneer (Kiyono Yasuno), Makina Nakajima (Nozomi Nishida) and Reina Prowler (Nao Tōyama). I will gradually increase the number of scores.